Reaching The Lost, Strengthening Families, and Raising Up Servant Leaders...


    Marisa López, Director


    Phone Number: 856.661.8110 x355


    Ministry Summary 

    The translation Ministry is designed to provide translation services during morning worship services. Members are bi-lingual and provide English to Spanish translation.

    Translation from English to Spanish on Sundays during the second service and as needed.

    Volunteers are needed during all services, which include special events.


    Services Offered By Your Ministry

    Translation from English to Spanish on Sundays during service and as needed.

    List Areas of Your Ministry Where Members Are Needed

    Our members are needed during all services, which include special events.

    Foundational Scripture For Your Ministry 

    Mark 16:15(AMP) And He said to them, Go into all the world and preach and publish openly the good news (the Gospel) to every creature [of the whole human race].