Reaching The Lost, Strengthening Families, and Raising Up Servant Leaders...


    Ministers Alan and Vonda Wilkins, Directors

    Phone Number 856-661-8110 x118


    Ministry Summary
    "HEIRS" with Christ Children's ministry supports the vision of LFCC by nurturing godly seed from infancy through sixth grade, teaching them to Love God, Obey His Word, and Live to advance His kingdom on earth. With this mindset, we purpose to lay a solid foundation of God's Word in our children's lives in a FUN and developmentally appropriate manner. We also look to provide opportunities for children to use their God-given talents and gifts to serve in His house.

    Services Offered By Your Ministry
    We provide ministry to children from infancy through sixth grade, and are open during weekly church services and most of the main church's special events. Apart from regular church services, the children's ministry hosts three special events of its own each year - Resurrection Sunday Celebration, Vacation Bible School and Bible Boot Camp.

    Additionally, we offer parenting seminars 1-2 times per year. The elders are available to speak with parents concerning family and parenting issues.

    List Areas of Your Ministry Where Members Are Needed

    Registration Team
    The Registration Team maintains current records of all children who regularly attend services as well as those who visit with us. The team distributes this information to Team Coordinators and Grade Level Team Leaders as necessary.
    Grade Level Teams
    The children of the ministry have been divided into developmentally appropriate age groups to ensure they are ministered to effectively. Each grade level has a Team Leader and assistant who coordinate the activities of their specific age group. The grade levels are as follows: Babes in Christ (infants – toddlers), Seeds of Faith (toddlers – kindergarteners), “Souled” Out Warriors (grades 1-6).

    Administration Team
    The purpose for this team is to maintain current forms, record meeting minutes, complete supply requisitions, and coordinate other business activities of the children’s ministry. Its goal is to ensure that all business is conducted “decently and in order”
    (I Corinthians 14:40).

    Curriculum Development Team
    The purpose for this team is to ensure the materials we utilize to minister to the children are developmentally appropriate, culturally sensitive, and biblically sound. Additionally, this team works with Grade Level Team Leaders to ensure they have necessary supplies to present lessons.
    Service Team Leaders Team
    These individuals are the points of contact during their assigned services. They ensure all areas of children’s ministry are operating efficiently during service times and are responsible for handling emergencies and documenting the events of the day.

    Special Forces Team
    This team functions administratively at this time to gather information from parents of special needs children that will better assist the staff in ministering to them effectively.

    Safety Net Team

    This is a new team that will implement guidelines regarding the protection of God’s children. These guidelines may include background checks, fire drill procedures, and release forms.

    Helps Ministry Team
    This team coordinates activities within children’s ministry that mirror some of the ministries in the main church. The activities include dance, drill team, theater, choir, ushers/greeters, and prayer warriors. This team supports the purpose of children’s ministry in teaching little hands to serve the vision of Living Faith Christian Center.

    Special Events/Creative Team
    This team assists with planning and decorating the children’s ministry area seasonally and for various events.


    Foundational Scripture For Ministry
    Luke 18:16 (KJV) "
    But Jesus called them unto Him and said, “Suffer little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of God."

    Other Pertinent Information
    A background check is required