Min Alan Wilkins, Director
Phone Number: 856 661-8110, ext. 113
Email Address: mwashington@lfccnj.com
Ministry Summary
The Helps Ministry includes all ministry areas and supports the overall vision of LFCC by serving the Pastor, members and visitors. Those serving in Helps must be an LFCC member who has completed New Members Orientation and has successfully completed a Pre-Helps Meeting.
Music, Children’s Church, Hospitality, etc. (includes all areas).
Volunteers are needed in all areas of the Helps Ministry. We are always in need of volunteers to serve in the Children's Church.
If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. Ecclesiastes 4:10 NIV
Services Offered By Your Ministry
Examples of ministry areas: Music, Childrens Church, Hospitality, etc. (includes all areas).
List Areas of Your Ministry Where Members Are Needed
All areas, but especially Children's Church